Yeah. Tricky.
And honestly, it has been very rare.
And have people nodding their heads saying and rubbing their chins going, "Oh yeah, I can TOTALLY see that . . . "
Now, I have tossed and turned over this question because of the following:
2) But if it WAS, I would like to know that the person had solid acting skills. And was relatively good looking.
Because it's MY Lifetime movie.
1) Rosanna Arquette. I think it has something to do with my overbite. Yes she is blonde. I know that.

2) Marisa Tomei. This one makes me happy, but I have heard this one usually before someone is asking me for a big favor, so I really am not thinking it's very true.

3) Natalie Imbruglia. This is the one I have gotten once or twice when someone was drunk. If they have heard of Natalie Imbruglia. And if they have consumed enough alcohol to kill a short person. I have been known to hug them and thank them profusely. And I will give them instant mad props if they can name any of her other songs other than "Torn."

And frankly, as long as she is not calling me Miss Piggy, I guess I am cool with it.

5) Girl From CVS. And this one is not a celebrity, as such. But the nice gentleman from our McDonald's drive-thru thinks I look like the chick from the CVS on the other side of town. I told one of my neighbors who was like "Um, no. NOT at ALL." I don't know if this is because she is way better looking than me, or I am way better looking than her, but I will have to go buy make-up I don't need so I can check this whole thing out.
Similar to when you apply for college and your guidance counselor tells you what your "reach" schools are, I could say that the first three are my "reach"es and the last two are probably my "realistic."
So there you have it. I will not post a picture of my "reaches" on Facebook as my profile picture, because I would not presume to do that to these beautiful women who would be like, "Oh no she didn't!" (Double, No, NO TRIPLE Snap, Jerry Springer style).

So, my question to you is - WHO WOULD PLAY YOU IN YOUR LIFETIME MOVIE? Don't be shy. I don't care if you tell me you want it to be Rebecca Romjin and you're only 5'freakin2".
Spill it.
Spill it.
Unlike you, I totally think my life is interesting enough for a Lifetime movie. As to who could portray me....that is hard to say. I guess I would say Kathy Bates. I think she is such a wonderful actress and could really capture my personality...... and we share a name!
I played that game on Facebook and chose Cam from Modern Family as my celebrity alter ego - only because everyone I know says "You totally remind me of that guy."
To play me in a movie.... hmmm.... I just asked my husband and he said the actress who played the mom in Gilmour Girls.
I would have said Cindy Crawford.
Bwa ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!!!!
You ARE Natalie Imbruglia! YOU so ARE! Wow!
Me? Hmmm. When American Beauty came out I was told over and over I looked like Mena Suvari. Random.
More recently, I don't know!
why not any bollywood actresses? (<---- is that slightly inappropriate?)
I have been compared to Kiersten Dunst and Cameron Diaz. Not sure if I would want either of them playing me in a movie, though, as I think Kiersten kind of went of the deep end? and Cameron Diaz is kind of annoying. Oh well! You completely look like Natalie Imbruglia! And that is a great celebrity to be compared to - she is so beautiful! But so are you.
I have no idea. No one has ever told me I look like a celeb.. That sounds so sad... guess there will be no lifetime movie for me... lol
You are a beautiful girl and look like yourself. Though I can see where someone might draw similiarites to Natalie Imbruglia.
I can totally see #3.
I've been getting laughs out of people changing their pics this week. B/c most of them are ridiculous! A few do actually look like who they posted, but most...
Kellie Martin, that little girl in the red glasses from "Life Goes On." She's in a ton of Lifetime movies and people used to say I looked like her. I didn't put her as my Facebook profile photo, though, mostly because few people know her. Same with Laura Linney, whom people also tell me I look like (well, USED to). So I chose Jennifer Jason Leigh, primarily for the reasons you mentioned. It seemed less vain, since she's okay-looking but not drop-dead gorgeous.
I noticed my friends on Facebook doing this, and my immediate reaction was, "Everyone thinks I look like that one other South Asian chick they once met". Seriously. I once had a professor for whom I cat-sat for two summers confuse me with the one other short brown music person at our college. My not-really-doppelganger played violin, and I was in the choir, and this prof kept telling me that she knew me from orchestra. After 5 minutes of trying to be polite, I was all, "Yes, I know all brown people look the same to you, but I assure you that P and I are distinct people."
First off, you're gorgeous!
Secondly... I HATE this question. Although some people say I look like Sandra Bullock... I think they are smoking crack ;)
Oooh, that Natalie Imbruglia is a good one, you sorta do look like her! But prettier!
Someone told me in high school that I looked like Mary Chapin Carpenter. I really hope not. I think it's cuz we both have huge foreheads.
Then this other girl on FB told me I look like the Olsen twins...not too bad.
And, yes, there is this girl I went to school with who is ALL shades of ugly and she put on FB, Jennifer Love Hewitt. IN YOUR DREAMS.
oooh, natalie imburglia or marisa tomei!
geez, i don't even know who would play me... i've been told i look like that chick from i love you, man and one other actress whose name escapes me at the moment. i'd want kate beckinsale just bc i lurve her and she apparently has a potty mouth like me. ;)
First, Natalie Imbruglia is a great call...
As for me? I think Kathy Najimy could play the part. I wish she'd have a reason to also use this set and these extras:
Yah, haven't jumped into that game. My husband thinks I look like Tea Leoni, but I think it's just the short blonde hair and blue eyes and the fact that he loves her.
And you're prettier than all of your celebrity suggestions!
I definitely think you look the most like Natalie Imbruglia! And I love her although I cannot claim to know many of her song titles beyond Torn. :)
The only celeb I ever get is Sarah Jessica Parker; often and by strangers on the street in multiple cities across the US. Funny part is, I don't see it at all.
I need to head over to Facebook and see if anyone I know has pictures up.
PS. I didn't freeze!
Um, yes you totally look like Natalie Imbruglia!
I've been told in high school that I looked like Tiffany Amber Thiessen, but I had a MUCH rounder face in HS so maybe that was why...
My husband thinks that I kind of look like Kristen Stewart... I think I might have when I was 12, but not now!
Hahahaha....the CVS girl. I wonder if people go up to the CVS girl and tell her she looks like you?? I could see Natalie..but you win your $20 back because..she did something other than "Torn"? Huh. Who knew??
I've been told I look like Kirsten Dunst in my blonde days. And...yeah...that's about it. But I would take Reese Witherspoon in a NY minute. Or Meg Ryan if it's about my "older years" (like the ones I haven't lived yet).
Long, long, LONG ago when my hair was always bright red and I didn't have my schoolteacher glasses, I would get compared to Claire Danes(My So-Called Life version, not Romeo and Juliet version) alot. I think this is mainly because I dressed like her. Because I was cool like that.
If I could choose an actress to play me in a Lifetime movie?
Parker. Posey.
But she's far too indie to do a Lifetime movie.
I totally see Natalie and Marisa in you!!! In fact, if these two lovely ladies produced a love child...YOU'D BE HER!!!
The resemblance is uncanny Kiran!!!
I was told (a lot) when the movie "Meet Joe Black" came out that I looked like Claire Forlani. I loved it because:
A-I envisioned that's what I'd look like if I hooked up with Brad Pitt.
B-She's British! Which means she has a kick ass accent.
We both have the squinty eye thing when we smile...I think that's the major resemblance.
kiran, you are very pretty. and i love that guitar photo!
i was once told i looked like Samantha who played the youngest daughter in the tv show 'Gimmie a Break'. But that's cause i had a short hair cut like she did.
Someone else once told me i resembled Alanis Morissette.
oh well.
Kate Beckinsale baby! She's smokin'!
I would want Lisa Loeb to play me. I know she's not an actress, but my dream is to look as cute in glasses as she does.
SOOO funny and gorgeous, too!
People have said I look like Scully from the X-files and Sherry Stringfield from ER. Not digging either, thank you very much.
Two people have told me I look like Amanda Peet, which is flattering for sure, but I am nowhere near skinny like her. I am the last one to figure this FB thing out w/ celebrities. I had no idea..
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