But, still. I get to go to Dublin and I have never been.
Note to any dumbass who wants to go rob my house. Because I hear that is what happens when you are stupid and tell people you aren't around. (Note to self, don't call yourself stupid or people will start to believe it). Anyhoo, be forewarned, my husband is prepared.
To. Kick. Your. Ass.
Ok, maybe not. But we have a mac daddy security system. Also my 2 1/2 year old bites and will definitely try to kick you somewhere very sensitive if you try to steal any of her toys.
So without further ado, I introduce to you Shell, from Things I Can't Say.
Shell is a sassy chickadee. She is equal parts funny, sweet and smarty pants.
She is also an innovator. You may be scratching your head. Seriously. She is.
She invents cool words. Like, she has a whole theory on what the mean girls from junior high school should be called when they procreate. And it's brilliant.
She has agreed to be my first guest blogger of this week and came here to bestow her gift for telling it like it is.
I hope you love her just as much as I do . . .
Drumroll. Heeeeerreee's Shell!
While Kiran is off traveling, she is letting me
So, it's finding a home here at Masala Chica.
I want to be done visiting others.
Like, forever.
Anyone who wants to see us, come visit.
Then, when my kids are doing normal kid things: playing around, doing a little bit of running, being sort of loud...well, it's in my house, where it's okay. Where I don't worry that they are breaking things and I don't really care if they are disturbing you...okay, maybe I worry about it, but it's in my home, so I'm not worried about them disturbing your usually peaceful home.
Plus, I can send them to their rooms if I want or to the playroom or separate them. There are options. We are not stuck in someone's cramped living room. Or having to run around to a million different places.
Meals can be on our schedule, not yours. Which means fewer meltdowns from children who are used to eating THREE HOURS before you even start talking about what we are going to do for dinner.
And, when it's time for bed, I can follow our usual routine.
It's EASY. My boys go to bed without a fight. Two go to bed at 6:30 and the other at 7. Everyone falls asleep minutes after being put to bed. There is no fighting, no aggravation. It's smooth, peaceful, and quick.
But, that is only if we are HOME.
If all 5 of us are in a hotel room together...it's a freaking nightmare.
And, I'm already exhausted from trying to keep my boys quietly playing in your tiny living room all day long.
So, to have two running around, wrestling, and one screaming in a pack-n-play because he can clearly see all the madness...and to have everyone only fall asleep after many threats, sometimes actually being held down(oh, I mean cuddled)...it's exhausting.
So, until my kids are all over the age of oh, say...um... 12...we're not traveling to you.

Shell blogs at Things I Can't Say, where she spills it all on her blog. Please don't ask her if she is going to keep trying to get a girl, as three kids are quite enough and there is only room for one princess in her house anyway. Please stop by and say hi!
That's awesome. When you put it that way, it makes a lot more sense as to why my sister constantly puts off trips to KY. With 2 girls under the age of 6 I can really only imagine the nightmare. And if you have a bedtime routine that they agree to, you really don't want to mess with that. That was awesome Shelli! I really need to read you more often.
I heart Kiran, but Shell's got the goods. Great Guest. Travel safely and tell Shaila to keep those chompers sharp!!! We know you're not stupid :)
Fun! Shell is definitely funny. I always feel so cool when I already know somebody that somebody else is talking about. So dorky...what is this, high school? P.S. I totally agree about not calling oneself stupid. P.P.S. I commented on your guest post from yesterday, but forgot to mention how I too tend to bear my heart (or dark side) and then freak out and write something silly and frivolous. Just did it too, my last 2 posts! Ha!
Shell...I swear you and I share some brain cells or something...I just had this exact argument with some of my husbands relatives that live an hour away. We have two YOUNG kiddos...if you want to see them come to us...do NOT tell me it's my fault you never see your nephew (meaning my DH). That was two months ago...haven't heard a peep from them.
Traveling with young kids is HARD and yeah, kinda sucks..lol
Have fun in Dublin Kiran :) And all the plane rides that go with it ;) Do they at least let you fly first class???
Love your post Shell... seriously - I agree with you 110%
I hate traveling with the kids... TERRIBLE!
Envy! Dublin! Have fun! Have fantastic beer for me!
And Shell - I cannot blame you. I want to travel, but not with my kid, and I only have one. We're struggling with our schedule as it is, and once we have it down, we are never, ever going anywhere.
travel with kids sucks. the one hotel room thing???? painful
Humorous way of putting it. Sometimes it's difficult just going shopping with my nephew. I can't imagine actually travelling with children.
I'm off to visit!! Have fun in Dublin...I bet the food sucks!! LOL
Great guest post! I have a 13 year old and an 11 year old. It doesn't get that much better, it just changes. When they fight, they swear at each other.
Kiran, have a pint of Guinness for me!
i already forgave you: -)
I'm the opposite! I hate having guests! I'd much rather do the visiting!
so true!
OMG what is your secret on getting them to go to bed that early?? Mine goes around 8pm, but no nap, and he is up at 7am and doesn't stop till he goes to bed at 8!
When we go to the beach we cram into this one bedroom little condo. But hey it's the beach!
I am so there with you. Things aren't too bad now with my 9 and 12 year old boy. But child younger, makes traveling a biatch. I try to do very lil of it for the exact reasons you mentioned. It is hard to have four kids cooped up in a small room. You can only pack so many things to keep them busy, and they get bored with those quick.
Come see the kids here, they will be a better representation of themselves.
Oh wow. I totally agree. Traveling is so exhausting. And trying to get them to sleep without going to sleep at 7 p.m. yourself is like trying to work a miracle.
Great post!
Right on, girlfriend. You said it. I feel the SAME EXACT WAY. Which is why the only place we've traveled with our 4 year-old twins is to visit my parents. And we only do that maybe twice a year. And it's typically a nightmare. But we suck it up. And, we don't have to stay in a hotel, so that helps. But still. I envy those whose children are very relaxed and can deal w/ different schedules, time zone changes, etc....not me/us. Good to know we're not alone.
Oh, Shell... I hear you loud and clear... the lack of routine... the off schedule meals... the LACK of sleep for the kids... they get soo outta wack. Plus, they always (the kids) get soo wired at night... the other adults give the 'ole "Oh, we never see them, let them stay up!", and then their eyebrows raise when my kids WHINE THE ENTIRE next day!
And, as far as you being in DUBLIN -- I'm sooo jealous! Was there in 2000, and I haven't stopped drinking Guinness with lunch, ever since!
I just love shell!! She is so funny and so right!! Being out of town with your kids is a freakin nightmare for sure!! Having people try to "guest raise" your kids is even worse!! :) Love the funny post!! Have fun in DUBLIN! SO COOL!
I agree traveling with kids is hard! Shell you as always have a great spin on things! Thanks for linking to this blog! I just become follower #200!!
Amen to that sister! I've been trying to get all that across for about 6 years!
I adore Shell! Two Thumbs up on the guest post!!
Oh I could've written the same thing over at mine. I HATE traveling. Getting to see the family & stuff is awesome. But I hate being at the mercy of other people's schedules. Being in their space w/ all their nice, expensive & very breakable stuff. Plus I really hate traveling with small kids. I'd tell people to come to us but then we'd never see anyone. Funny how no one wants to drive for 13 hours to come out here but they expect us to do it 3 or 4 times a year.
LOL - only problem is if someone (say... me) comes to visit you then my crazy kids will throw your kiddos all off schedule (and I know neither of us would have any control over any of the kids!)
Absolutely could not agree more. Traveling with little ones = zero fun for mommy!
Just Stopping by to say Shell rocks.. Thanks for this post it was amazing..
You took the words right out of my mouth! I totally get you.
Next month we're going to Atlanta for spring break to visit my husband's family. And, we're driving. My kids have never ridden in a car longer than 2 hours. Um, yeah. Xanax anyone?
love it and you!!That is the truth!I hate going anywhere and I think i am flexible??I am,I am just on other things!!LOL
Hahaha! I think 3 in a hotel is tight so I can only imagine 5! Following now that I ventured over here from Shell's blog my favorite, so glad I did =)
never understood why my sister-in-law a(2 kids) wanted holidays at her house until we moved and had a babe of our own. Oh? so it's not fun to travel 5 hours with a child who then has to deal with clamoring in-laws all weekend. I get it.
Hope you are having a great trip and Shell, you rock (as usual)!!!
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