Sorry - that's about how easy it is to pass back out in the mornings, so excuse me while I get some coffee.
It's just...
Well, I feel like whether you are a working mother or a stay at home one (I will include daddies in this too, because I know plenty who fulfill both roles), by the time everything (and I mean EVERYTHING, as if I really did sweep every last bit of rice off the floor) is done and the kids are FINALLY in bed, I feel a little like...
"Ok what the HELL just happened?"
Because the day is done. Finito. Pretty much gone. And while I had some great highs in my work day (maybe some lows) and some amazing moments with my kids (or not), I just feel like, when the heck do you get to do the things that YOU need to do. NOT the laundry. Not the bills. Not even time on the phone with family.
I mean the things that make you more balanced as individuals - you know - journaling, exercising, writing, playing music. Just examples, please don't throw a rock at my head because I left off basket-making or pottery or anything. Those are very noteworthy as well.
Everybody has a heartsong. So how do you find yours? Or recognize that maybe it has gone someplace to hide with the sentiment, "hey she is not ready for me now with all this crazy stuff going on, but she will be ready by the time the kids are both in school" so you can put it in the drafty part of your closet right next to the old BCBG dress you refuse to donate because you JUST KNOW you will fit into it again.
Are you delaying singing that heartsong or maybe just saying goodbye to your dream?
Are you maybe, just a teensy bit scared? Of not being successful? Of risks? Of what people might think?
Still a mother.
Still a professional.
Still a wife.
But also...
Still a dreamer.
I have friends who have found their "heartsong." It's the ability to take what they have passion for in their hearts and make it integral part of their lives in some way, a way that it is woven in that it cannot be denied or perhaps made into less of a priority. For them, fulfilling these heartsongs has allowed them to live to new potentials they would never have known. Yes - they were mothers, but beyond mothers, they are also artists and needed a push in finding that song.
I think that I want these moments because right now my heart is kind of "skipping" in terms of playing the song. Its got a lot of static and it just sounds like a really crappy recording, probably similar to the recordings I used to tape off of Z100's top 5 at night on my radio/cassette player.
I can hear it, but because maybe its singing a few different tunes, I haven't found my "song" yet.
Is that crazy? Do you believe that you have a heartsong that you were meant to pursue? Something that always brings you back to a dream that you feel is unfulfilled.
Now listen here. If you tell me your heart always wanted to be Eva Longoria, I know that this will be a LIE because she only rose in popularity in the last six years. It needs to be a legit heartsong. A yearning, really. A yearning to pursue something which you have captured and mastered in your dreams in a way that you are comforted by the thought, and saddened by its absence in life.
For friends who I have who have taken that leap of faith, I must say that I applaud you. You are braver than me, and definitely more talented than I will ever be in the areas you found your heartsongs.
You make me want to be brave and own up to my own dreams.
And do you think that maybe if we listened a little harder to that song, and muted all of the other crap in our lives while also paying less attention to all of the areas that we are weak or make excuses for - that we are denying ourselves and our families a better life?
Just because YOU would ultimately be happier.
The journey to find your heartsong is a tough one. Sometimes realizing you have not achieved it makes it hard for your heart to sing anything, even happy Christmas songs. But you are brave and you can do this. Maybe in 2012 we can all listen a little bit HARDER and sing a little bit LOUDER.
It's not easy. Hard things never are. That's what makes them hard.
But soooo worth it.
I may not know my heartsong yet, but I can sing a bra off a drunk girl in a crowded bar. (True story, I HAVE done this). So I think its important that I really give this whole thing a try.
Don't you think you should too?
Dig deep. Don't tell me resolutions. Tell me your dreams. What have you always wanted to do? What made you stop? Could you, WOULD you - if you knew that it was an option?
If you could, but you won't, why not? Are you scared?
Please don't stop dreaming sisters and misters. You are brave. You CAN do it. I will try with you and I guarantee that if we do - we will sing this song in really kick ass harmony together. Like a "Feed the World" meets "USA for Africa" kind of harmony.
Sing your heart out. Just don't let you heart ever stop singing. Even if right now, it may only be a whisper.
I loved this post, Kiran. LOVED! I always think about my one big dream. They sometimes seem so out of reach....impossible, really. But since we are sharing...I always, and I mean, always, wanted to sing. In a band...solo...on Broadway...I didn't care. I just wanted to sing on a stage. I wish that I wasn't so quiet in high school. I wish I would have belted out a song during auditions for musicals with the same passion as when I was in my bedroom or the shower. Maybe then I wouldnt have just gotten the "chorus". I had a couple of opportunities to fufill this dream in my life and passed on them. All of out fear. Fear that maybe someone wouldn't like the sound they heard. Fear that I would just simply fail. It has truly eaten at me for years. I live a short version whenever I hit a karaoke bar, but I think that is the dream that I will always think about and wish I had pursued it.
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